Bus Photos - Vehicle Registration List - Title Page
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AAA 1A - YYY 999D
AAA 1E - YYY 999G
AAA 1H - YYY 999L
AAA 1M - YYY 999R
AAA 1S - YYY 999V
AAA 1W - YYY 999Y
A1 AAA - J999 YYY
K1 AAA - Y999 YYY
AAI 1 - YYI 9999
AAZ 1 - ZZZ 9999
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Page Registrations       1027  
  First on page: Last on page: Style Years Entries
01 AH 5473 YF 714 2 Letters First 1903 to 1932 36 Alphabetical order
02 AAA 756 GXX 785 3 Letters First 1932 to 1960s 63 Alphabetical order
03 HAP 985 LYR 910     73  
04 MCO 658 RUF 186     65  
05 SDL 268 YWG 109     61  
06 305 TR 8159 EL 2 Letters Last 1950s to 1964 17 Numerical order
07 5 CLT 972 CUF 3 Letters Last 1950s to 1964 84 Numerical order
08 ABK 832A OWC 182D Year Suffix B to D 1963 to 1982 85 By suffix
09 DHC 782E VMP 10G Year Suffix E to G   74  
10 FWC 439H XDL 800L Year Suffix H to L   72  
11 NCD 554M ULO 524R Year Suffix M to R   59  
12 PWS 492S WDS 291V Year Suffix S to V   73  
13 DHW 351W XSS 43Y Year Suffix W to Y   37  
14 A103 SUU J986 JNJ Year Prefix A to J 1983 to 2001 83 By prefix
15 K8 KLL Y866 GCD Year Prefix K to Y   78  
16 KV51 KZJ BV66 VHP Half-Year Number 2001 to now 21 By half-year
17 IB 552 WOI 2440 Northern Ireland I all 21 Alphabetical order
18 CRZ 9108 XLZ 3106 Northern Ireland Z all 18 Alphabetical order
19 - - - - - - Not GB or no registration 15  
There are 19 pages with more than 1000 registrations* and links to more than 4600 photos.**
Last update Winchester 6 May 2024
These pages may need to be refreshed to ensure that the latest additions are included
    Year Suffixes       Year Prefixes       Half Year Numbers
A   Jan 1963 to Dec 1963 ^   A   Aug 1983 to Jul 1984   00   unused
B   Jan 1964 to Dec 1964 ^   B   Aug 1984 to Jul 1985   50   unused
C   Jan 1965 to Dec 1965   C   Aug 1985 to Jul 1986   01   unused
D   Jan 1966 to Dec 1966   D   Aug 1986 to Jul 1987   51   Sep 2001 to Feb 2002
E   Jan 1967 to Jul 1967   E   Aug 1987 to Jul 1988   02   Mar 2002 to Aug 2002
F   Aug 1967 to Jul 1968   F   Aug 1988 to Jul 1989   52   Sep 2002 to Feb 2003
G   Aug 1968 to Jul 1969   G   Aug 1989 to Jul 1990   03   Mar 2003 to Aug 2003
H   Aug 1969 to Jul 1970   H   Aug 1990 to Jul 1991   53   Sep 2003 to Feb 2004
J   Aug 1970 to Jul 1971   J   Aug 1991 to Jul 1992   04   Mar 2004 to Aug 2004
K   Aug 1971 to Jul 1972   K   Aug 1992 to Jul 1993   54   Sep 2004 to Feb 2005
L   Aug 1972 to Jul 1973   L   Aug 1993 to Jul 1994   05   Mar 2005 to Aug 2005
M   Aug 1973 to Jul 1974   M   Aug 1994 to Jul 1995   55   Sep 2005 to Feb 2006
N   Aug 1974 to Jul 1975   N   Aug 1995 to Jul 1996   06   Mar 2006 to Aug 2006
P   Aug 1975 to Jul 1976   P   Aug 1996 to Jul 1997   56   Sep 2006 to Feb 2007
R   Aug 1976 to Jul 1977   R   Aug 1997 to Jul 1998   07   Mar 2007 to Aug 2007
S   Aug 1977 to Jul 1978   S   Aug 1998 to Feb 1999   57   Sep 2007 to Feb 2008
T   Aug 1978 to Jul 1979   T   Mar 1999 to Aug 1999   08   Mar 2008 to Aug 2008
V   Aug 1979 to Jul 1980   V   Sep 1999 to Feb 2000   58   Sep 2008 to Feb 2009
W   Aug 1980 to Jul 1981   W   Mar 2000 to Aug 2000   09   Mar 2009 to Aug 2009
X   Aug 1981 to Jul 1982   X   Sep 2000 to Feb 2001   59   Sep 2009 to Feb 2010
Y   Aug 1982 to Jul 1983   Y   Mar 2001 to Aug 2001   10   Mar 2010 to Aug 2010
                60   Sep 2010 to Feb 2011
  ^ A and B suffixes           11   Mar 2011 to Aug 2011
    not issued in all           61   Sep 2011 to Feb 2012
    areas.           12   Mar 2012 to Aug 2012
                62   Sep 2012 to Feb 2013
                13   Mar 2013 to Aug 2013
                63   Sep 2013 to Feb 2015
                14   Mar 2015 to Aug 2014
                64   Sep 2014 to Feb 2015
                15   Mar 2015 to Aug 2015
                65   Sep 2015 to Feb 2016
                16   Mar 2016 to Aug 2016
                66   Sep 2016 to Feb 2017
                17   Mar 2017 to Aug 2017
                67   Sep 2017 to Feb 2018
                18   Mar 2018 to Aug 2018
                68   Sep 2018 to Feb 2019
                19   Mar 2019 to Aug 2019
                69   Sep 2019 to Feb 2020
                20   Mar 2020 to Aug 2020
                70   Sep 2020 to Feb 2021
                21   Mar 2021 to Aug 2021
                71   Sep 2021 to Feb 2022
                22   Mar 2022 to Aug 2022
A vehicle may legally carry a registration older (but not newer) than the vehicle itself.
Northern Ireland registrations are also issued to mainland vehicles and are not age-related.
Some vehicles have carried more than one registration. Some registrations have been applied to more than one vehicle. Operators often swapped registrations, bodies and chassis. Where possible these variations are included but others may be missing.
The information shown for these vehicles has been acquired from many sources and cannot be guaranteed. Errors may be included and details may not be complete. Please carry out your own checks before re-publishing.
** Includes vehicles with no registration. Some vehicles have more than one registration. Some registrations apply to more than one vehicle.
** Photos total includes group photos and non-bus photos on some pages.
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