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Diary Latest -
6 February - |
Home, Northam, Woolston,
Bursledon, Hamble
Quay, Hamble Common,
Hamble Point, Hamble
Shore, Royal Victoria
Country Park, Netley
Station. |
or tap a photo |
Photos |
A selection
of old photos
of buses and
photos of old
buses. |
Hants &
Dorset, King
Alfred, Southampton
City Transport,
Southern Vectis
and many more.
Click here for
the Latest
Event or
here for Registrations
so you can check
a registration
to see if I
have a photo
of a particular
vehicle. |
Museum |
A former bus
Ticket machines,
tickets, timetables,
badges and items
from throughout
the 20th century.
Includes examples
of the old £sd
Money and
the Calculating
Museum. |
Tight! |
A sixteen
year journey
from Winchester
to Southampton.
The story
of my job as
a bus conductor
from 1967 to
1983. |
Also available
in pdf format
from the Hold
Tight! title
page. |
Museum |
My collection
of early home
computers. |
Acorn, Commodore
and Sinclair. |
History |
What I've
done, in and
out of work.
A list of my
jobs and other
Bob |
Mockford |
Online |
www.bob-mockford.co.uk |
www.bobmockford.co.uk |
visitor@bob-mockford.co.uk |
Email opens your
mail app. |
Copyright ©
2005-2023. All rights reserved. |
You can see more
about my walks, bus events and days
out on these: |
Routes and details
of my walks |
can be seen by
members in: |